A last minute TDY (work trip) brings me to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania for the week. Which rules. Just wanted to send some photos from my trip so far in an effort to be a "better blogger" (see every post for the last two years or so where I make that promise).
So the trip had a strong start with a little upgrade action - don't worry, this is not being paid for by your tax dollars (question numero uno from my dad). Anyway, I like to get caught up on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Holy cow, I love that show.
My hotel is on the ocean which is nice, but there's something to be said about another feature that I discovered upon arriving
Yes! Andrew could hear them meowing while we were on the phone and instructed me NOT to let them in our room. So far, I have resisted. But seriously. Seriously.
In other good news, my first full day was International Women's Day. Awesome. A real highlight has to be the sub title on the cover of the Newspaper:
(Women are capable, and it's unfortunate that there are people who still despise them).
Yes, that's definitely unfortunate.
I went to lunch on Friday with two of my favorite folk from Malawi and after the meal I was BLOWN AWAY by what was put on the table.
So if I haven't impressed you enough already (!), my highlight (hands down) thus far was sailing yesterday. I did a horrible job taking photos, but wowza. Andrew and I went last summer and there's just something about being on the Indian Ocean.
All of that said, I'm excited to get back to the one and only...