Saturday, November 3, 2012

TDY heaven: Ethiopia, Katie, Meow.

I was going to start this post off with an apology - "so sorry to my bloggership that I haven't written in months" - but then I realized that maybe this blog isn't as much an online diary, but more of forum for exceptional events only.  I think this will set all expectations equally between my dear readers and myself.

With that noted, this post will not let you down.  Why?  Well, three words really: Katie, Ethiopia, Lion.  I traveled to Ethiopia for work which was no hardship.  Not only because the work itself was great (learned a lot), but because I larveeee my friend Katie who lives in Addis AND I love Ethiopian food.  

So the first night I got there was actually my birthday (wicked!) and Katie made it very special with a traditional night out.  While the food was amazing, it sort of looked like turds (hence, the "turdy-second birthday" phrase that Katie and I laughed about for days - seriously, days, even typing it now I'm laughing):

Katie was an amazing host - she told me all of the great spots to go and my favorite, by far, was this coffee shop in the city.  I kid you not dear reader, this was the best coffee I've ever had in my entire life.
And just when I thought it couldn't get better, check out the back wall:

The next night we went out, Katie showed me something that tested every bone of strength I had in my body.  A little context: Andrew says that we have no more space for art - especially cat art - and no more bringing stuff home from Africa.  With that in mind, imagine the strength it took not to buy one of these amazing paintings (part of a larger "donkey and minibus" oil painting study):

This is the one I wanted the most.  But in addition to the stern warning from Andrew, the price tag was $120 bucks.  Looking at my face, I know I made the wrong decision - I should have bought that bow-legg-ed donkey painting.

But I save the best for last.  As did Katie.  It's hard to describe the joy I felt at Katie's choice of eatery the very last night.  The food was great, yes, but I will not even try to describe my elation I felt when I saw the decor:

And look how well dinner went WITH THE LION.

There was so much food.  We felt the lion really wanted some too.

Then on the way out, what did we see?  A real cat.
Sadly, all you can see are its eyes (the glowing dots under the light).  I tried to get closer for a better shot and the cat had a rader sense or something and was like "danger!  She WILL pick me up" and it ran away.  Quickly.

Anyway, it was such an amazing trip.  I'm missing Katie too much already though...

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Holy smokes!  Let me tell all of my bloggership (all 4 of you) about an amazing island just south of Zanzibar so that the next time you find yourself in Tanzania, you get your self to this island.  And that would be, subject line spoiler alert, Mafia Island.

So I was in Tanzania again for work which is pretty great (although the work we were doing was the antithesis of sexy).  What is sexy?  Mafia Island.  Pimp airplane, check.  Gorgeous beach, check. Safari, oh yes.  Read on.

Right so the pimp flight - check it out.  I think my phone photos do a really great job capturing all that went on during the 32 minute flight from Dar Es Salaam to Mafia Island.


 Inside plane:

Outside plane:

 Arrivals Terminal:
 Views from beach:
Pure joy:

And we even did a day trip where we went to sand bar...

Private Dow:

An amazing detail - there were four of us who went on this little excursion (we were all in TZ from Washington).  And three of us were named Emily.  There was also a Jessica.  But literally, 3 Emily's.  You can imagine.

Safari - fear not, I wouldn't tell you a lie.  Video evidence:

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Poetry in Ocean

A last minute TDY (work trip) brings me to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania for the week. Which rules. Just wanted to send some photos from my trip so far in an effort to be a "better blogger" (see every post for the last two years or so where I make that promise).

So the trip had a strong start with a little upgrade action - don't worry, this is not being paid for by your tax dollars (question numero uno from my dad). Anyway, I like to get caught up on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Holy cow, I love that show.

My hotel is on the ocean which is nice, but there's something to be said about another feature that I discovered upon arriving
Yes! Andrew could hear them meowing while we were on the phone and instructed me NOT to let them in our room. So far, I have resisted. But seriously. Seriously.

In other good news, my first full day was International Women's Day. Awesome. A real highlight has to be the sub title on the cover of the Newspaper:
(Women are capable, and it's unfortunate that there are people who still despise them).

Yes, that's definitely unfortunate.

I went to lunch on Friday with two of my favorite folk from Malawi and after the meal I was BLOWN AWAY by what was put on the table.
So if I haven't impressed you enough already (!), my highlight (hands down) thus far was sailing yesterday. I did a horrible job taking photos, but wowza. Andrew and I went last summer and there's just something about being on the Indian Ocean.
All of that said, I'm excited to get back to the one and only...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The past few months - so much.

Okay, brace yourself. There's been so much cool stuff that's happened these past few months...while I haven't been updating my blog. Not to worry, I have captured it below primarily in photos, in order.

1. Turning 30 + 1: I thought 30 was amazing, but wow, 30+1 is even better. And what better way to celebrate than with friends. The evening special guest starred Dave Allen (SHS '99).
I'm not fooling you with this guest starring crap though, only one star...
If you look closely you'll note the hard shells. That's right, it was a taco dinner from the 80s (when I was born). When it's your birthday dear reader, you get whatever dinner you want. Well, in America at least. Ew, that just got political in a way I wasn't intending...

...Look! It's Niall!
Also, there was dessert - no explanation needed.
2. Next up: NYE. I've posted a few photos already on the FB, but here's a quick recap of the amazing dinner at the Weathersfield Inn (cannot get enough of that place):

Johnny VI - SHS '99
Dave - SHS '99
AA - ?HS? '00
3. Visit to Vancouver - we went out for a very cool wedding and did a little site seeing. The highlights:

4. Fun visits, important photos, Iwe - self explanatory pretty much.
Smithsonian with Dave
Yup, a cabbage patch doll in a cabbage patch.

Actually artsy. Lots of love to Mahnu.

And on that note, a wrap my friends. I recognize my readership is down, but I shall start trying (a lot) harder to keep up with this bloggy blog.