Thursday, April 24, 2008

Guess who's preggers??!?!

Oh, to you die hard fans--I do appreciate your patience and love and really, our collective bloggership. And here's the thing...

I'm back!

And guess what the big news is?

That's right (bet you were thinking the big news was the computer with a camera, right?), but no, it's true, Oball is preggers. We have no idea (well, let's face it, we have some idea) how it happened, but now we've got a teen mom on our hands. This isn't a huge problem with the internet - everything we need to know about cat birth we feel we can pick up on the world wide web. Not to worry though, we're really happy for her and it hasn't taken away from family time:

Anyway, things are indeed going very well. There's so much to update on life (job, home, etc), but let me keep you hanging on through the rest of this week if that's okay. For now, just know that I have a few comforts from home that arrived in a huge box last month...

Okay, I'm back in business on the blog - see you this weekend!


K8 said...

I'm still not convinced Oball doesn't just have worms. Come on! Let's see the ultrasound!

Blahhhhhh said...

Care Bear misses you very much and talks about you every day.