Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The past few months - so much.

Okay, brace yourself. There's been so much cool stuff that's happened these past few months...while I haven't been updating my blog. Not to worry, I have captured it below primarily in photos, in order.

1. Turning 30 + 1: I thought 30 was amazing, but wow, 30+1 is even better. And what better way to celebrate than with friends. The evening special guest starred Dave Allen (SHS '99).
I'm not fooling you with this guest starring crap though, only one star...
If you look closely you'll note the hard shells. That's right, it was a taco dinner from the 80s (when I was born). When it's your birthday dear reader, you get whatever dinner you want. Well, in America at least. Ew, that just got political in a way I wasn't intending...

...Look! It's Niall!
Also, there was dessert - no explanation needed.
2. Next up: NYE. I've posted a few photos already on the FB, but here's a quick recap of the amazing dinner at the Weathersfield Inn (cannot get enough of that place):

Johnny VI - SHS '99
Dave - SHS '99
AA - ?HS? '00
3. Visit to Vancouver - we went out for a very cool wedding and did a little site seeing. The highlights:

4. Fun visits, important photos, Iwe - self explanatory pretty much.
Smithsonian with Dave
Yup, a cabbage patch doll in a cabbage patch.

Actually artsy. Lots of love to Mahnu.

And on that note, a wrap my friends. I recognize my readership is down, but I shall start trying (a lot) harder to keep up with this bloggy blog.

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