Sunday, November 9, 2008

History...just wicked earlier in the morning

How could I not utilize my massive online popularity to make at least a few remarks about last week's historical event?  For those of you unfamiliar, Malawi is 7 hours ahead of EST.  This means, my friends, we got up at 3am to watch the results come in at a local bar that had CNN (not normally, but they set up a projector for the big night).   There were about 40 people there - Malawians, Brits, South Africans, Americans, etc.  I'm going to be up front here - not one person, not one, was pulling for McCain.  

The following photos are organized from the announcement through the jubuliant response.  Apologies for the blurry camera, but it's actually a good lens in terms of our own dizzy, happy, tired eyes...

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