Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Happy birthday to you, America

Right, so the first week I was here happened to coincide with America's birthday--and for those of you who don't know, that's July 4th (I can really only imagine the international attention this blog attracts). Anyway, I went to the Ambassador's house for what I thought was a little picnic. Here he is, Ambassador Alan Eastham, speaking (at what is clearly a bit more than a picnic):Note the sound system in the background--the national anthem played shortly after. Also the flower arrangements are red, white and blue (this was no accident).

I felt a little funny at this event. First of all, I was very much under dressed--most everyone was in suits or the traditional Malawian garb. I, however, opted for slightly different attire with a sweater that my friend Kathleen once observed "looks like my grandma knit." Here's what I looked like:
I think the best part of the entire event was what I took home:
If you can't tell, that's 2 American paper napkins (one festive, the other official), an American flag pencil (for all of my pencil needs), and a pin depicting the unity of Malawi and America.

Anyway, I was a little under dressed, but I think all in all I carried myself well. I can't wait for Labor day.


Unknown said...

We can't wait to swim in
Lake Schistosomiasis!!! Dad and ESM

acfromtheoc said...

btw, what's the flight time from NYC to malawi??

Centris said...

Man, first you got that kick ass DOE coffee mug and now the Malawi-US flags pin. Your job has totally rad side-benefits.

Beaumonter said...

Doing the international fashion scene proud, Hugheser! Atta girl.

KM said...

WELL. i went to your myspace page to tell you i missed you and to ask about what must be a really challenging, lonely process of adjustment because I hadn't seen you around on the internets... and there on myspace i found this link. i am clearly the last one to the party.

you are making yourself at home in classic Hughes style. I wish i could be there. loving you much.